This interdisciplinary seminar for K-12 teachers will explore how rivers have shaped, and in turn were shaped by human society and the environment in China and Japan. Combining geographic background with artistic representations, and environmental/political perspectives, this workshop will help teachers gain a comparative perspective on Asia’s landscape and culture. Course content will look at rivers through the lens of geography, the arts, and environmental challenges. 

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Define/identify geographic features of FOUR major rivers in Japan and China.

  2. Appreciate how these FOUR rivers have shaped and been shaped by historical events and environmental factors; and in turn shaped the surrounding communities. 

  3. Appreciate how rivers have been represented in various cultural productions (film, art, literature, etc.)

  4. Identify ongoing environmental challenges connecting rivers and communities. 

  5. Create a (final artifact) juxtaposition of a river in Japan and/or China and one in your own community/country highlighting a)geography, b) representations, and c) social and environmental issues.